Archive for July 2012

The decision is made   4 comments

Alex’s photos were so  hard to choose from.  In the end, I picked the drape for our package.  I decided to order 3 other poses to make a collage, and I am just getting 1 5×7 of those and then if I need to get copies later, I can.  Oddly, 2 of the 4 pictures I chose, were not in the  Here’s the final 4…






As much as she didn’t care for the toothy smiles, I decided to go with 2 of them, because I think they look nice, and it shows off her braces that she’s had for years now, and will be rid of in just a couple of weeks.  I haven’t officially placed our order yet, but I have the form filled out, I just need to mail it in. 

Posted July 19, 2012 by Meg's Simple Life in life in general

A poll of sorts   6 comments

So, a week ago, Alex had her senior class portrait taken.  There’s about 15 poses between 4 outfits.  Of those, I’ve widdled it down to the  “top 5”.  The picture in the burgundy drape is required for the yearbook, burgundy & gold is the school’s colors.  I actually like it quite a bit.  In any case, I’m having trouble deciding which pose I’d like to buy as our “package”.  I don’t have any polling software, so we’re going to fake it here, and you can simply reply with the one you like best (I’ll number them to make it easier!).  These are the proofs, and contain the copywrite & watermark from the photography studio.  Now, in no particular order:

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5




Posted July 5, 2012 by Meg's Simple Life in life in general, poll, senior pictures

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That’s the way things go   2 comments

Time for another “day in the life” post.  I tend to run many days together, so this will likely be more of the same!

Alex has had a couple of beginner cake decorating classes.  She has some cupcakes in the fridge to frost (which, I wish she would frost so we could NOM on them!), and a cake she made at the previous class (which is more than gone.)  Here’s a sample of what she’s done so far.

First decorated cake.

Not a masterpiece, but it’s all about learning technique, how to hold the bag- angle & pressure.  It’s a work in progress and she’s been pretty excited about learning how to make the flowers, but that’s not until the 2nd session later in July.

In other news, we got some new living room furniture.  Yay for sales!  Boo for making payments.  Hope to pay it off fast tho.  The cats have already laid claim to the new stuff.  It’s soooo comfy!

Tiger’s Loveseat

Patches’ Couch

4 of 5 kitties approve.

The furniture is a nice soft microfiber, and is a chocolate brown color.  Needless to say, it’s going to require a bit of vacuuming to keep it that way.  Patches sheds. A LOT.

To update on my girls-

Alex is doing very well since she had her follow up with the GI doc, and is following the restrictive diet (much to her displeasure) and taking her meds.  She’s had no complications from the esophogitis, and that is a big PLUS in the happy column for me.  She’s hoping the diet is temporary, until they find out what caused the allergy specifically.  She hates not being able to have a lot of her favorites, like BBQ chicken or hot wings.

Marissa is feeling better too.  Her headache has pretty much gone.  The doctor recommended that she get better sleeping patterns / routine, and add more good foods, less processed foods, to her diet, as well as some B2 daily.  Still no MRI, the insurance doesn’t feel it’s justified, so they won’t cover it.  I will roll with that for now, as long as she’s not getting worse & seems to be improving.  She still has bad flareups with her dermatitis, but there’s not much we can do about that, but use the ointment as it happens.  The only other thing would be the pain she experiences in her wrists.. I may want to have that looked at as well, because if it’s something like arthritis, we should find out now.  Mom had arthritis from the time she was even younger than Marissa, so I know it’s a possibility.

Probably, the last thing is something that has made the news this week.  What a storm we had here Friday night!  It got to 105 degrees here, with heat index making it feel like 115.  Then came the storm.  The news called it a derecho.  It knocked out power to so many across several states on the east coast.  Here’s a few pictures from around our neighborhood, the day after…

Timber! This large tree was at the other end of my street.

Tree caught in wires 1 street over from my house, caused the allergist to be closed due to no power. Sorry Alex, no shots today.

Also 1 street over, the other direction. This one was pretty bad, they had to rope it off due to wires near the road.

1 corner down & across from me, they lost a few large branches.

That was just a sample of 5th, 6th, and 7th ave, and I am on 6th.  There was a lot more damage than this, and there are many without power right now.  It could be days, maybe even a week, before all is restored.  Our heat advisory is not done yet either.  We have 1 or 2 more days that it’s expected to be in the high 90’s to near 100 degrees.  I am so so grateful that we haven’t lost power.  I hope that others are doing well in this disaster, and that the restoration goes quickly so people can have relief.


I was playing with my settings today, added some new stuff on the sidebar (blogroll, goodreads, twitter), and changed the theme.  Let me know what you think, or if you have suggestions to make it look better!