Archive for November 2022

Surgery and the past few years.   Leave a comment

Nov. 4th 2022

*Warning* some grossness is mentioned a few times.

I was admitted to Northwestern Hospital in Randallstown, MD on November 4th. This was a planned procedure, that took much longer to schedule than I would have liked. I’ve been dealing with a problem that could have led to uterine cancer for 3 years now. On top of the fact that my own mother had uterine cancer cells when she had me, and had to have a hysterectomy 6 weeks after I was born. I’ve had multiple procedures that would not clear it, so in the end, it was decided to just remove everything. A total hysterectomy (done with a robot!) which is typically, a same day in / out surgery. But, this is me, after all.

I was held only for one night, thank goodness. And hopefully, will not need to return for anything other than my post op follow up in about 2 weeks. Recovery is about 6-8 weeks. For 2 weeks, I cannot drive. For 4 weeks, I cannot lift more than 5 pounds. On top of this, I had the unfortunate timing of our house coming down with bronchitis in the weeks leading up to my surgery. I am still coughing a bit, mostly mornings are the worst, with both head and chest congestion settled in from overnight. I was on the mend, not 100%, but they deemed me ok to go ahead with the surgery.

I was told I would be on blood thinners for a month, and they gave me 2 shots of it while in the hospital. One, as they were prepping me for surgery, and one the next day (today). I ended up having all the capillaries in my hand burst between the blood thinner, the iv, and the blood pressure cuff. It looks scary, but it’ll be fine. It just looks bad. Blood thinners are also affecting me in other areas. Such as the sinus area and getting a lot of blood out of my nose and throat. That was scary when I first saw that. But it is also fine.. slowing down some, but I’m also very dried out and when I do get it to clear, it has a good amount of blood mixed in.

This morning, when they got me out of bed to get in the recliner, I asked if I could walk around a bit, as laying in the bed for so many hours had my back really aching. They were all too happy for me to get up and walk, as that was part of what I needed to do. I wasn’t dizzy, and my pain at that point was still being well managed. I had a good bit of time between my last pain med there, and the one I was able to take once we got home. The hospital was almost 90 minutes away, and I was absolutely starving, even tho they fed me a lousy breakfast and lunch. It was miniscule and tasteless. I’ve had way better hospital food at other places. Fortunately, the nurses were very kind. God bless nurses and all they do. So when we arrived in town back in WV, we stopped at the local diner that has the absolute best french toast, and I wanted it, due to the sad, shrinky dink single piece of dried up, cold and rubbery piece they provided me with this morning. After we ate, we headed to the pharmacy, and once I settled in here, I took my pain pill. It is already starting to work, thankfully. The pain was more than I realized since it was so much longer between doses today. Manageable, but definitely not pleasant. Top that with a sore neck/jaw from the tube they shoved in my throat, and the bloody mucous I keep getting to come out. Just not great, but still, I am home, and I am grateful to put this chapter behind me.

I don’t like to worry people or concern them with stuff, because I often feel like it’s.. attention seeking. But I was asked to say something, and that probably more people would care than I would realize. And I do thank you all for that.

Posted November 5, 2022 by Meg's Simple Life in life in general